Simposia abstracts submission:
To send abstracts, once you have registered, go to "send abstracts", send Symposium, download the template. When you have completed the template, log in again and select “Next”. In this new screen, and once you have entered the title of the symposium and the name and affiliation of coordinator, you can upload the template already filled in by selecting “Manage files”, and then “Submit Abstract” and “Confirm Submission”.
Abstract submission for communications and posters:
Please, follow the ongoing below:
1. Type of presentation (Oral Communication, Short Communication, Poster).
2. Thematic area: You must include the area in which your presentation fits:
3. Authors: must be indicated with name, surname, work center, place and e-mail. It must be indicated that the author will be the speaker and therefore who will present the paper. In order to present the oral communitation/poster it is essential that the speaker author is registered in the congress before July 1st.
4. Title: It should be brief and specific without abbreviations and should not indicate a source that makes it identifiable. Its length should not exceed 120 characters including spaces.
5. Key words. Up to 5.
6. Abstract: the text should not be longer than 250 words. If you wish to use unusual graphic characters such as >, <, +, /... follow the instructions of the abstract submission application. Bibliographic references, graphs, tables and figures should not be included.
The structure of the abstract is:
In order to submit an abstract, please, select one of the following options: