IV International Congress of Psychobiology

Oral communication and poster guidelines

Presentations will be 10 minutes long and 5 minutes for questions. 
Power Point software or any other compatible program should be used. In the latter case, it is recommended to contact the Technical Secretariat in advance to ensure that the program used is compatible. 
Each short oral communication will have a total duration of 7 minutes: 5 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for questions. A maximum of 4-5 slides is recommended.
The poster should contain the following elements: Title, author(s) and institution (placed at the top); a brief introduction, methods, results and conclusions. Visual presentations, e.g., graphs, histograms and photographs, are highly recommended. 

The poster should have a maximum size of 150 cm high x 100 cm wide, we recommend a size of 120 cm high x 85 cm wide with a font size large enough to be read comfortably at a distance of one meter.
Authors should be present in front of their poster in their assigned session according to the conference program to answer questions about their poster.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is mandatory that at least one of the authors is registered in the Congress for the exhibition of the contributions. Each registered participant can expose a maximum of one communication and defend a maximum of one poster.

Abstracts must be in English and include the name of the authors (underlining the author who presents the work) and the affiliation next to the author's name on the page. They must contain a maximum of 250 words and include objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Authors must specify the type of participation in each abstract.